=========== First Steps =========== What is it? =========== If you want to build you own :abbr:`SOA (service-oriented architecture)` using *Apache Thrift* framework on *Python* you can use *ThriftPool*. It should act as container for all implemented services, e.g. spawn them, process request and handle exceptions in them. Services are simple python classes that implements generated by *Thrift* stubs, for example: .. code-block:: python from thriftpool import BaseHandler from org.stubs.users.Users import Iface, Processor from org.stubs.users.ttypes import Profile class UsersService(BaseHandler, Iface): class options: name = 'Users' processor = Processor def get_profile(id): # do something useful here return Profile() That's all, handler is ready. How to run? =========== Assume that we has an active `virtualenv` with installed `thriftpool`. To start daemon you should type in console:: $ thriftpoold