Source code for thriftpool.request.handler

"""Provide some tools to patch thrift handler."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
from functools import wraps

from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException, TException
from thrift.protocol.TBase import TExceptionBase

from thriftpool import thriftpool
from thriftpool.signals import handler_method_guarded
from thriftpool.exceptions import WrappingError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def maybe_wraps(method): """Ignore wrapping exceptions.""" def inner_wrapper(fn): try: return wraps(method)(fn) except AttributeError: return fn return inner_wrapper
[docs]class guarded_method(object): """Create guarded method for handler.""" def __init__(self, name, doc=None): self.__name__ = name self.__doc__ = doc def __create_method(self, obj): """Create bounded method.""" handler = obj._handler service_name = obj._service_name method = getattr(handler, self.__name__) stack = thriftpool.request_stack allowed_exceptions = (TException, TExceptionBase) # Apply all returned by signal decorators. for sender, decorator in handler_method_guarded.send(sender=handler, fn=method): if decorator is not None: method = decorator(method) @maybe_wraps(method) def inner_method(*args, **kwargs): """Method that handle unknown exception correctly.""" stack.add(handler, method, args, kwargs, service_name) with stack: try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except allowed_exceptions: raise except Exception as exc: # Catch all exceptions here, process they here. Write # application exception to thrift transport. logger.exception(exc) code = TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR msg = "{0}({1})".format(type(exc).__name__, str(exc)) raise TApplicationException(code, msg) return inner_method def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self try: return obj.__dict__[self.__name__] except KeyError: value = obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = self.__create_method(obj) return value
[docs]class BaseWrappedHandler(object): """Abstract base for wrapped handler.""" _handler_cls = None _service_name = None _wrapped_methods = None def __init__(self, handler): self._handler = handler # Force methods creation. for item in self._wrapped_methods: getattr(self, item) def __getattr__(self, name): """All unknown attribute access go to wrapped handler.""" return getattr(self._handler, name)
[docs]class WrappedHandlerMeta(type): """Metaclass that create handler with decorated methods.""" def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): # Add base class to bases. if BaseWrappedHandler not in bases: bases = (BaseWrappedHandler,) + bases # Ensure that service name provided. if '_service_name' not in attrs: raise WrappingError('Missing attribute "_service_name" in' ' class "{0}"'.format(name)) # Get original handler class. try: handler_cls = attrs['_handler_cls'] except KeyError: raise WrappingError('Missing attribute "_handler_cls" in' ' class "{0}"'.format(name)) # Try to find methods of service. included = set() stack = set(handler_cls.__bases__) while stack: # Collect all bases and try to find all classes with name 'Iface'. # Methods with collected names will be decorated. base = stack.pop() if base is object: continue stack.update(base.__bases__) if base.__name__ == 'Iface': included.update(vars(base).keys()) # No interface found, fail. if not included: raise WrappingError('No methods to wrap found in class "{0}"'. format(name)) # Find attributes that must be decorated. included = included - set(vars(type).keys() + ['__weakref__']) attrs['_wrapped_methods'] = included # Decorate them! for attr in included: method = guarded_method(attr, getattr(handler_cls, attr).__doc__) attrs[attr] = method # Create new class. return super(WrappedHandlerMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

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